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Real Heroes

Was ist eigentlich Gentechnik?

Genetically Modified Food
All Documentaries

     Wo fängt Gentechnik an? Fluch oder Segen?

1) Schau beim Einkaufen auf die GMO (Warn)Schilder.

2) Baue deine eigenen Sachen an.

3) Welche lokalen Bauern oder Vereine gibt es in deiner Gegend?

4) Unterzeichne Petitionen oder mach dich stark in deinem Land.



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can do now?
In Summary
Marie-Monique Robin

(born 1960, Poitou-Charentes) is a French TV journalist and documentary filmmaker. She received the 1995 Albert Londres Prize for Voleurs d'yeux (1994), an expose about organ theft; best political documentary award from the French Senate for a 2003 film about the transfer of French counter-insurgency techniques (including torture) to Argentina; and the Rachel Carson Prize for her work on Monsanto.

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