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Pestizide in der Nahrung - wie bitte?


Ein Thema das wieder alle drei Bereiche gleichermaßen betrifft...

1) Hol dir biologisch und ökologisch-korrektes Obst und Gemüse .

2) Unterzeichne Petitionen oder spende für Organisationen,

    welche die "schlimmen Unternehmen" kontaktieren.


All Documentaries
Real Heroes
In Summary
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can do now?
Marie-Monique Robin

(born 1960, Poitou-Charentes) is a French TV journalist and documentary filmmaker. She received the 1995 Albert Londres Prize for Voleurs d'yeux (1994), an expose about organ theft; best political documentary award from the French Senate for a 2003 film about the transfer of French counter-insurgency techniques (including torture) to Argentina; and the Rachel Carson Prize for her work on Monsanto.

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